The Internet plays an essential role in the daily life of the new generation. Today, companies are required to have a good network with optimal connection quality. Indeed, in the event of a breakdown or slowdown, all professional activities are strongly impacted. In addition, it will simply be impossible to load your emails or access the various online work platforms. The ideal solution to no longer have to suffer such interruptions will be to increase your internet speed, but how to go about it? Here are the best tips to implement.

Adopting SD-WAN technology
Acronym for Software Defined Wide Area Network, SD-WAN is the third generation of networks and is characterized by greatly simplified WAN management. This computer network, whose main role is to connect the different sites of a brand to the Internet, must indeed be more than efficient to provide a perfect connection. However, the latter will be easily optimized thanks to the special identification system offered by SD-WAN. Using programmable network rules, the objective of the technology will be to intelligently prioritize the most efficient routes for an optimal connection. Requiring no modification to the WAN network used by companies, this advance will focus on the multiple existing channels. This initiative will thus make it possible to direct Wide Area Network traffic towards the most efficient route and to increase bandwidth for a real evolution of the company connection.
From such a central controller, the programmable wide area network will thus enjoy good real-time traffic management. Furthermore, by adopting this software to increase internet speed , a company’s IT department will be able to remotely program devices from other sites. Manual configurations of routers and other manipulations that were essential can be managed efficiently, without any travel required.
An amply secured advance
SD-Wan interventions are equipped with the best parameters to optimize internet speed but also provide optimal security on the network. Many people may indeed think that the technology is highly exposed to hacking risks, which can have negative impacts on the boosted speed and call into question the implementation of the process. However, in addition to the central control of traffic management, the configurations of the devices at the affiliated sites can also be governed there.
Segmentation enables brands to benefit from an isolated network that efficiently manages priorities. In this way, in the event of a request for network access from an unknown device, IT services can automatically route such traffic to a firewall. On the one hand, connections that are defined as high priority will be guided to a specific network.
It is also worth noting that there are a significant number of SD-WAN providers who work closely with expert network security services. This makes it possible to have access to a partitioning of flows to only allow those internal to the hosting company to pass through.
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